Cosmetic Dentist in Hamilton, GA Exposes 5 Staining Culprits

Filed under: Other Education

Unfortunately, your teeth won’t stay bright white forever. It’s inevitable. Even with the most rigorous, consistent home dental hygiene routines, your teeth will still begin to dull based on the things we choose to indulge in. There are many different factors that can play into discoloring your teeth. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist in Hamilton, GA offers a few different ways to enhance your smile including at-home whitening kits. Before ever having to engage in cosmetic dental treatments, Dr. Arrington wants you to know the main contributing factors to yellowing teeth. Distinguishing the difference between friendly and harmful substances may help you to keep your natural teeth bright and shining for years to come!

1.    Dark Berries and Beets

Berries are super healthy for you because they provide important antioxidants that your body needs. Although berries are a part of nature’s super foods, the dark blues and deep reds tend to stain teeth. Beets seem to have the same effect. If you’ve ever even touched a beet, you know how powerful their staining ability is. In some places, natural berries are dark enough to be used to create a permanent ink. Think about what that’s doing to the enamel of your teeth! If you want to indulge by eating some healthy berries or bright red veggies, be sure to swirl your mouth with water afterward or brush your teeth.

2.    Black Coffee and Teas

Monday’s are tough to tackle in the morning, but a dark cup of coffee is one of the worst staining drinks for your teeth. Same goes for black tea, but there are some alternatives that you can try. The lighter the drink the less likely it is to stain your teeth. Try adding low-fat milk (has a lot of good nutrients for your teeth) to lighten up your cup of coffee or try a different variation of black tea that may be lighter. By adding creamers and sugars you’re taking an already harmful substance and making it sugary and acidic—basically horrible for your dental health. Try not to drink so many sugary drinks, either. Dark sugary drinks like caffeinated sodas attack your enamel and stain your teeth at the same time.

3.    Various Sauces

Sauces? Sounds unreal. Unfortunately, it’s true. The sauces we enjoy in our foods may cause your teeth to darken over time, especially if you’re constantly exposing yourself to them. Curry, tomato sauce, and soy sauce have all been proven to make a patient’s teeth darker. A good rule of thumb is that if the food or drink you indulge in can stain your rug, it can most likely stain your teeth.

4.    Alcohol

If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and smiled after sipping a glass of cabernet sauvignon, you’ve seen the reddening results. Positively though, red wine is good for your overall health and heart. It can reduce inflammation, helping to prevent gum disease. It all comes with balance. Hard liquors are a different story. The harsh ingredients attack your enamel and make your mouth susceptible to oral cancer—not to mention it’s discoloring your teeth!

5.    Tobacco

It would be a huge favor to your teeth and gums to eliminate your tobacco use. By monitoring how much you’re exposing your body to toxins (or completely wiping them out of your life), you could be preserving your pearly whites for years to come! Not to mention, you could be saving yourself from oral cancer and periodontal complications. Dr. Arrington can check your mouth for signs of these severe dental problems, but we hope that all our patients are doing their part to keep themselves healthy.

Brighten Your Teeth Today!

If you have indulged or continue to enjoy these 5 sneaky staining factors, all hope is not lost. Dr. Arrington understands it’s difficult to change your habits overnight, but we can help you get the bright smile you’ve been missing back quicker than you can say, “I need a whitening dentist in Hamilton, GA.” Hamilton Family Dentistry offers at-home whitening kits that lift the stains on your teeth gradually in the comfort of your own home. The whitening treatment is custom to each patient’s needs and goals. If you’d like to get more information on how to get a new, whitened smile, contact our office today!